LENG3043 English for Research Purposes

After successfully completing this course, students can research a topic and establish a focus for an extended piece of academic writing before incorporating their research and organizing their ideas in an extended essay that follows APA guidelines for student papers. In addition, students can effectively participate in and manage academic discussions that explore a variety of perspectives on a research topic. 

English for Research Purposes is an advanced topic course in the English for the Undergraduate Program in Languages and Culture (EPLC). The purpose of the course is to equip students with the skills necessary for carrying out research, producing a piece of extended academic writing and participating in academic seminars and debates. This course encourages an independent approach to research and extended writing, allowing students to conduct research independently, choose their own extended essay title and develop a specific focus for their extended essay writing project. The course is also designed to encourage critical thinking and requires students to be evaluative in their approach to writing. This student-centered course runs for 16 weeks and consists of two 1.5 hour synchronous or asynchronous classes and approximately 2 hours of independent work each week.  

While the majority of the course focuses on developing a range of academic research and writing skills, there is also a strong speaking skills component, through the development of speaking subskills and communicative strategies required to participate effectively in academic discussions and seminars. As a way to support their learning process, students are required to work on technology-enhanced academic vocabulary and grammar exercises during extended periods of time outside the classroom. Academic grammar and vocabulary are viewed as key supporting elements that form a part of the real-world academic writing and speaking tasks around which this course is organized. 

During class time, students are encouraged to actively participate in different activities and tasks that will help them to improve their writing, speaking, reading and critical thinking skills. Group work, cooperative work, and peer-assessment are also part of every face-to-face or online synchronous class. During their independent work time, students are expected to carry out different research, writing and speaking skills learnt in class to help them develop their extended writing project and participate more effectively in academic discussions. 



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
