The Undergraduate Program in Literature aims to confront students with texts from diverse Hispanic and non-Hispanic literary traditions across a broad historical and geographical spectrum. Through in-depth reading, students will be able to acquire theoretical concepts of the discipline and develop skills that allow them to appropriate different critical and conceptual positions. In this way, it promotes the training of researchers in the field of literary studies, paying attention to the methodologies specific to the discipline and fostering autonomy, ethical reflection, and dialogue with other disciplines.
To meet these objectives, the program offers courses and seminars in the areas of Hispanic and non-Hispanic literature, theory, classical languages, and linguistics. It also offers workshops on creation, editing, translation, and teaching, and promotes within its curriculum the journalism and cultural management courses offered by other units of the University. Students can fulfill their final degree requirement in various ways, designed to allow them to explore the fields of professional performance: research work (graduate thesis or research assistantship), editorial practice, teaching, social, cultural journalism, or cultural management.
In relation to the professional performance of future graduates, it provides guidance to students regarding their future performance through seminars, workshops and internships.
Applicant Profile
The candidate for the Literature degree shows interest in reading and writing. He has the ability to write different types of texts and perform interpretive analysis. He expresses himself fluently and has the willingness to investigate. He is sensitive to cultural, literary and artistic activities and is interested in learning about them, studying them and disseminating them.
Through the rigorous study of Hispanic and non-Hispanic literature, as well as critical and literary theory and research methodology, the Department of Humanities and Literature of the Universidad de los Andes trains professionals with integrity in the field of literary studies, capable of contributing to the construction of knowledge and critical reflection on literature. The Department develops and strengthens knowledge that allows its graduates to perform optimally in fields such as teaching, research, editing, journalism, translation, theater, and cultural management.
Study Plan
The current Literature program is made up of five areas of study: theoretical area, linguistics area, classical languages area, and non-Hispanic literature area.
In order to fulfill the objectives that both the University and the Faculty have set for the undergraduate program, the curriculum differentiates three levels of learning that correspond to knowledge processes that are gradually strengthened:
The Basic Cycle (semesters I and II) introduces students to the theoretical and methodological training that is essential for addressing literary studies. The course begins with the study of classical languages and non-Hispanic literature, and addresses the basic problems of literature written in Spanish.
The Intermediate Cycle (semesters III, IV and V) trains the student in theoretical thinking and its application to the analysis of texts of various genres. Seminar work begins, which involves a more active and critical participation on the part of the student. In this cycle, the student completes his or her training in classical languages, with which he or she delves deeper into the logical structures of thought and the forms of expression of language.
The Advanced Cycle (semesters VI, VII and VIII) delves into research methods and theoretical and conceptualization tools; halfway through the cycle, the student selects his or her degree thesis option and, at the same time, studies more specific topics in seminars. At the end of the cycle, the student must be able to formulate and resolve scientific hypotheses using the rigorous language of the discipline.
The Program also includes elective courses (2), basic Uniandino CBU courses (7), as well as the basic requirements demanded by the University for all academic programs, namely: Spanish, foreign language and the constitution and democracy course.
This broad academic training allows the literature student to acquire comprehensive mastery in various fields of knowledge. Beginning in the third semester, students can choose elective courses that will help them define their professional profile: translation workshops, creation, chronicles, journalism courses, film, cultural management and theater workshops, among others.
Research or Concentration Areas
The program consists of the following areas:
Theoretical area. Theory and criticism are the basis of the Literature program. Students acquire the tools of the discipline and learn to relate them to the authors and topics they study throughout their program. Classical poetics, the aesthetics of the Renaissance and Romanticism, and 20th-century and contemporary theories train students and prepare them to propose research projects and develop them by placing their reflection within the theoretical tradition and adopting a theoretical perspective in an autonomous manner.
Linguistics area . Courses in this area offer preparation on various aspects of language. Emphasis is placed on the structures of Spanish, which are essential for literary studies.
Area of Hispanic Literatures. Based on the reading of the works of the most representative authors, a critical reflection is made on Spanish, Latin American and Colombian literature, from its first manifestations to the present, in order to introduce the student to the central problems of the literary phenomenon through its own language and culture. The first courses in the area emphasize periods (medieval and colonial, 19th and 20th centuries), authors, genres and movements. In the next level, which corresponds to the seminars, specific problems of a period or different aspects of the production of an author are addressed. The sequence is not strictly chronological.
Classical Languages Area. These courses offer preparation in classical Latin or Greek. The study of these languages provides students with logical structures of thought and provides tools for handling different forms of expression. Their study constitutes a distinctive feature of the Literature program of the Andes and contributes to the formation of other programs of the University such as Philosophy, Law and History.
Area of non-Hispanic literatures. This area offers training in literatures written in languages other than Spanish. Its objective is to give students knowledge of the literary history of other traditions, to broaden their horizon of understanding and establish relationships with the works and contexts of Hispanic American literatures. The student faces parallel problems of a theoretical nature such as translation, intertextuality and reception.
Professional electives. These are chosen from within the programme's courses and based on the academic and research profiles of the professors. They allow students to explore different professional possibilities for their future careers (research, translation, teaching, journalism, editing, etc.). They can also opt for creative writing and theatre workshops.
Model Program
Students must confirm that they have completed the required credits for each program and the General Student Regulations. One academic credit is equivalent to 48 hours of academic work in the semester. Full enrollment for each semester allows enrollment of up to 20.5 credits.
It is recommended that during each semester of your studies, as a student, you consult with your academic coordinator and advisory professors to review your academic records (folders) and plan your academic path at Uniandes in an organized manner.
This model indicates the courses that are recommended to be taken each semester corresponding to the program.
First Semester
Second Semester
LITE-1304 | Literatura Española Siglo de Oro | 3 |
LITE-XXXX6 | Lengua Clásica I (Latín o Griego) | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15 |
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
Fifth Semester
Sixth Semester
Seventh Semester
Eighth Semester
Alumni Profile
Graduates of the Literature program of the Department of Humanities and Literature can work in various fields of our discipline such as research, criticism, teaching, cultural management, journalism and creation. They also have the knowledge and skills to successfully connect with the publishing industry and to provide consultancy services in audiovisual media.
Contact Information
William Hernando Paiba Paez
Academic coordinator
Department of Humanities and Literature
Telephone: 339 49 49 Ext. 2507