ECON4682 Seminar Corruption in Developing Countries

Corruption is the abuse of power for private gain. In this seminar, we aim to better understand the causes of corruption, its consequences and its solutions. This seminar combines theoretical approach and empirical analysis at the micro-level, paying particular attention to the role of information, incentives and values. We read and analyze critically many recent papers on corruption. Students should develop their ability to understand academic papers but also to carefully think about what allows corruption to prevail and how to tackle it. Solutions that will be explored can go from sanctions to the use of information technologies and changes in social values. The students are also expected to contribute through presentations, debates during classes and the development of their own research, case studies or creative solutions to fight corruption. The seminar is given in English but participation and questions in Spanish are welcome whenever needed.




Rachid Laajaj

Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
