GLOB3200 Seminario de Problemas en Estudios Globales

202410: Título del seminario: International Development in the Shadow of COVID-19

This seminar concludes the training of students in the area of Global Studies. It allows students to utilize theories and methodological tools developed during their degree to analyze important, contemporary political phenomena and ultimately to produce a final academic project which reflects their intellectual development.  Over the coming semester, we will be discussing issues related to the concept of international development in the shadow of a global pandemic.  As the grave global public health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic fades, the world is coming to terms with its aftershocks  As the New York Times recently noted, “[t]he world that emerges from this terrifying chapter in history will be more unequal than ever.” In light of these challenges, this seminar seeks to better understand how the consequences of the pandemic, including a global political economy characterized by growing inequality, has affected Global South countries’ ability to navigate the development challenges of climate change, migratory crisis, debt, food insecurity, and in some instances, civil conflict in a post-pandemic world. 



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
