Environmental Management Master’s Degree

Qualification Master in Environmental Management
Qualified registration Resolution No. 8318 of June 9, 2015 - Validity 7 years
Level Master's degree
Duration Four semester periods
Numberofcredits 42
Working day Part time
Modality In person - Bogotá
SNIEScode 53742
International accreditation EQUIS* (European Quality Improvement System) - Reaccreditation in 2018 until 2023
*We have had this accreditation since 2003

AACSB* (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) - Reaccreditation in 2021 for 5 years
*We have had this accreditation since 2010

* These accreditations are considered the most important credentials and academic recognition at an international level, which places the Faculty on a par with the most prestigious business schools in the world.

The Master in Environmental Management (MGA) of the Faculty of Administration of the Universidad de los Andes, created in 2008, trains high-level leaders, capable of incorporating and managing the environmental dimension within private or public organizations, designing innovative strategies that add value to different interest groups.
The Program provides knowledge in functional areas of administration, and integrates knowledge from other areas through disruptive methodologies, in order to develop the skills and provide the tools required to generate socio-environmental value and increase the competitiveness of organizations within the framework of sustainable development.


For decades, the priority of the Administration was to produce more with less and at all costs. Today, the paradigm has changed and strategies are directed at adding economic value in line with social value and environmental value. This perspective, in response to the global challenge of collectively managing environmental change, contributes to the configuration of sustainable markets, equity, and the protection of ecosystems, among other fundamental challenges aimed at ensuring current well-being and that of future generations.

Aware of the importance of caring for the environment and the growing need for organizations and professionals to strengthen their managerial skills, the Master's in Environmental Management prepares professionals with a global perspective to lead organizations within the framework of sustainable development, creating a new vision of the country and of business.


First level articulation:

The Master's Degree in Environmental Management is more than an academic program; it is a learning experience that provides an environment of opportunity since it is linked to initiatives such as: Natural National Parks Cómo Vamos, National Environmental Forum, SCALA Observatory, RedES-CAR and the Center for Sustainable Development Goals for Latin America (CODS).


Academic excellence
  • Addressing socio-environmental issues from a managerial perspective.
  • Have a Sustainability area in the Faculty of Administration, with 80% of professors with international PhDs and academic recognition.
  • Adopt a learning assurance model that promotes the strengthening of skills such as ethical behavior, communication, decision-making and innovative action.
  • Opportunity to take elective courses from the different programs of the Graduate School of the Faculty of Administration, the University in general and summer courses and international weeks.
  • The Master in Environmental Management and the Master in Development Management and Practice share the basic courses of the functional areas of administration and some of sustainable development.
  • Possibility of completing a double program with the Master's in Management and Development Practice.
  • Hybrid learning or “blended learning” that includes in-person classes in Bogotá, on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays every two or three weeks.
  • The master's degree uses a variety of innovative methodologies depending on the learning objectives, which seek to develop skills to approach problems from different angles.
  • We provide a multidisciplinary experience from theory and practice.
  • CONSULTANTS: The final work consists of a consulting process to support the resolution of environmental challenges of various organizations.
International experience
  • International weeks at universities abroad that address specific environmental management topics.
  • International Summer School in which we bring professors from the best universities in the world to our classrooms with topics from different areas of administration.
Impact of Graduates
  • We respond to a growing need in the labor market that seeks professionals capable of managing the environmental dimension.
  • The community of more than 300 graduates is influencing the transformation of organizations and territories for sustainability, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Applicant Profile

Professionals with at least two years of work experience in any sector or from any discipline, interested in becoming agents of change who incorporate, strengthen and lead the environmental aspects of organizations from a managerial perspective.


  • You will understand the global, regional and local context of environmental issues and build a critical and interdisciplinary perspective within the framework of sustainable development.
  • You will design, coordinate and evaluate strategies based on the functional areas of administration and integrating the environmental dimension.
  • Organize and lead work teams to create shared visions, generate ideas and transform them into projects that achieve the proposed results.


Study Plan

The program lasts 22 months. The total number of minimum academic credits required to obtain the Master's degree is 42, of which 35 are compulsory courses and 7 are elective courses, which are distributed in four cycles or semesters as follows:
Courses common to the Master in Management and Development Practice:
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Financial planning
  • Organizations
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Socio-environmental Entrepreneurship
Master's Courses in Environmental Management:
  • Fundamentals of Management
  • Corporate Environmental Strategy
  • Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
  • Industrial Ecology
  • Ecosystems
  • Environmental Policy 
  • Consultants
For elective credits, students may enroll in courses from the International Summer School, which is held annually during the inter-semester period (June-July) or participate in the International Weeks, which will be valid for 2 credits. They may also take courses from other Programs of the Faculty of Administration or from other Graduate Programs of the University, with prior authorization from said program.

Areas of Research or Concentration

The two concentrations offered in the Program: Responsible Production and Consumption and
Management and Governance of Socio-Environmental Systems, provide the opportunity to delve
into high-impact topics for the transformation of the business sector and of
the territories in general.



Model Program

First Semester

MGAP-4401Ciencias Naturales para Tomadores de Decisiones




MGAP-4403Negotiation Workshop


Total Credit Hours:7

Second Semester

MGAP-4404Ecosystems I


MGAP-4405Planning and Financial Evaluation


MGAP-4406Economia Ambiental y Cambio Climático


Total Credit Hours:11

Third Semester

MGAP-4409Strategic Management


Total Credit Hours:5

Fourth Semester

MGAP-4408Gerencia de Mercadeo


MGAP-4413Socio-Environmental Conflicts


MGAP-4407Ecosystems II: Socio-environmental Dimensions


MGAP-4410Environmental Finance


Total Credit Hours:9

Fifth Semester

MGAP-4411Mercados y Emprendimiento Socio-Ambiental


MGAP-4423Taller Propuesta Proyecto de Grado


MGAP-4414Politicas de Gestion Ambiental en America


Total Credit Hours:8

Alumni Profile

The MGA graduate is an agent of change who incorporates, strengthens and directs the environmental dimension as the foundation of the work of organizations based on the challenges of sustainable development. 




Contact information

Contact emails:
Telephone and extensions: (057-1) 3394949 exts. 1180, 2322 and 2335.