Practice Management Master’s Degree

Qualification Master in Management and Development Practice
Qualified registration Resolution No. 1086 of January 30, 2019 - Validity 7 years
Level Master's degree
Duration Four semester periods
Numberofcredits 42
Working day Diurnal
Modality In person - Bogotá
SNIEScode 101272

EQUIS* (European Quality Improvement System) - Reaccreditation in 2018 until 2023
*We have had this accreditation since 2003

AACSB* (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) - Reaccreditation in 2021 for 5 years
*We have had this accreditation since 2010

* These accreditations are considered the most important credentials and academic recognition at an international level, which places the Faculty on a par with the most prestigious business schools in the world.  


It is an interdisciplinary program that trains managers and leaders of private, public, multilateral and third sector organizations, who incorporate elements into decision-making that generate processes of collective change, for the benefit of sustainable development. 
The Master's Degree in Management and Development Practice has a central axis: the management of development challenges in the field, integrating in a practical and balanced way training in administration, natural sciences and social sciences.
The internship, which can be national or international, allows students to face challenges to implement sustainable development in the territories. Throughout their training process, through fieldwork, students manage to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired by supporting initiatives or projects led by different types of organizations and communities. 
Today we are more capable in technological terms, we have more certainties thanks to scientific advances and we are more connected than ever, giving opportunity to collaborative work. This contrasts with a global environmental crisis and social inequality that requires leaders who can bring about change. The Master's in Management and Development Practice trains managers capable of solving the crisis in an innovative way, taking advantage of opportunities and proposing solutions for economic well-being with social equity and environmental sustainability.
The programme enables students to acquire knowledge and develop managerial skills to identify and address the challenges inherent to sustainable development, combined with managerial and practical training. The programme is characterised not only by its multidisciplinary nature, but also by bringing together professionals who work for and with development from different public and private institutions and organisations. It is part of the MDP Global Partnership (the global network of master's degrees oriented towards Sustainable Development), which contributes to collective and interactive learning with students from other countries.


Academic excellence
  • Be part of the Global MDP Association, which brings together top-level international universities that work in the practice of development and exchange spaces for debate, knowledge and experiences (
  • Incorporate development practice into a rigorous curriculum that combines conceptual components with training in relevant skills to address the challenges of territorial governance and development.
  • Have a Sustainability area in the Faculty of Administration, with 80% of professors with international PhDs and academic recognition.
  • Adopt a learning assurance model that promotes the strengthening of skills such as ethical behavior, interculturality, communication and decision-making.
  • Opportunity to take elective courses from the different programs of the Graduate School of the Faculty of Administration, of the University in general and of summer courses and international weeks.
  • Possibility of doing a double program with the Master's in Environmental Management.
  • The Master in Development Management and Practice and the Master in Environmental Management share the basic courses in the functional areas of administration and the fundamentals in sustainable development.
  • Hybrid learning or “blended learning” that includes in-person classes in Bogotá, on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays every two or three weeks.
  • The master's degree uses a variety of innovative methodologies that seek to develop the ability to approach problems from different angles, depending on the learning objective.
  • Internship: The degree work consists of practical experience, which is the cornerstone of the curriculum. This allows students to contrast and apply the skills learned in the classroom in various national or international territories and to build solid professional networks for the future of their careers.
International experience
  • The Master's degree can be carried out internationally through the network of universities that are part of the MDP Global Association.
  • International weeks at universities abroad that address specific topics in Management and Development Practice.
  • International Summer School in which we bring professors from the best universities in the world to our classrooms with topics from different areas of administration.
Impact of Graduates
  • We respond to a growing need in the labor market for professionals capable of managing sustainable development.
  • The community of more than 100 graduates is influencing the transformation of organizations and territories for sustainability, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Applicant Profile

Professionals from any discipline, with or without work experience, who are interested in the global and local challenges of sustainable development, and seek to become managers and leaders who make responsible decisions regarding the natural environment and communities.


  • You will understand the global, regional and local context of socio-environmental issues and develop proposals from a critical and interdisciplinary perspective within the framework of sustainable development.
  • You will critically understand the schools of thought on development and their implications.
  • It will plan, coordinate and evaluate initiatives at all levels aimed at sustainable development and in accordance with the needs and potential of the territories and their inhabitants.
  • You will organize and lead work teams to create shared visions, generate ideas and transform them into high-impact processes.

Study Plan

The program lasts 22 months. The total number of minimum academic credits required to qualify for the Master's degree is 42, of which 29 are compulsory courses, 6 are compulsory practical courses and 7 are elective courses.

Courses common to the Master's Degree in Environmental Management:

  • Environmental Sciences
  • Financial planning
  • Organizations
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Socio-environmental Entrepreneurship

Courses Master in Management and Development Practice:

  • Development Theory
  • Strategic management
  • Territory Analysis
  • Economics for Development Management
  • Territorial development
  • Governance
  • Sustainability Laboratory

For elective credits, students may enroll in elective courses offered by the same program, courses from the International Summer School, which is held annually during the inter-semester period (June-July), or participate in the International Weeks, which will be valid for 2 credits. They may also take courses from other Programs of the Faculty of Administration or from other Graduate Programs of the University, with prior authorization from said program.

Areas of Research or Concentration

The Master's Degree in Management and Development Practice focuses on management and integrates, in a practical and balanced manner, training in administration, health sciences, natural sciences and social sciences.


Fieldwork is a differentiating and innovative element, which includes two moments of immersion in the inter-semester periods. Students have the opportunity to experience in a hands-on way the integration of knowledge, competencies and skills acquired through the correlation established between the content of the courses and the fieldwork. It is expected that they understand development problems from a critical and systemic perspective, and thus propose innovative solutions articulating the vision of the sustainable development objectives.

In the MDP Practice, we work mainly with third sector organizations and public or cooperation entities, which, while serving social purposes, are also interested in empowering development agents. We have collaborated with more than 50 projects at a national level and participated in more than 10 in the international practice.

Students will be able to do the internship in international projects with allied organizations of the MDP Global Network. We have had students in Africa, Asia, Central and South America.

Model Program

First Semester (August - December)

MGPD-4402Ecosistemas y Desarrollo


MGPD-4403Gerencia Estratégica Para El Desarrollo


MGPD-4404Desarrollo: Escuelas. Dimensiones e Indicadores


MGPD-4405Fundamentos de Contabilidad


MGPD-4406Global Classroom


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester (January - May)

Total Credit Hours:13

Third Semester (June - July)

Total Credit Hours:3

Fourth Semester (August - December)

MGPD-XXXElectiva I


Total Credit Hours:12

Fifth Semester (January - May)

Total Credit Hours:12

Sixth Semester (June - July)

Total Credit Hours:2

Alumni Profile

MDP graduates are leaders of change who are able to understand development problems from a critical perspective, propose solutions that articulate the different dimensions of sustainable development, and are able to mobilize collective actions from various organizations.

Contact Information

Contact emails:
Telephone and extensions: (057-1) 3394949 exts. 1180, 2322 and 2335.