Master in International Management (MIMC)

Qualification Master in International Management from the University of the Andes;
Level Postgraduate
Duration 14 months/year starting in the second half of the year
Numberofcredits 40
Working day Daytime – Full Dedication
Modality 111205
SNIEScode Approval resolution007577of May 3, 2022 – Valid for 7 years

The CEMS - Master in International Management (MIM) is your chance to join an international community of high-potential peers and kick-start your (international) career. Develop your strengths and intercultural skills, broaden your horizon, grow your network and develop your professional project – all while studying at two of the world's best business schools!

Applicant Profile

The CEMS – Master in International Management is open to students and graduates of business administration and related disciplines (economics, engineering, law, etc.) without significant work experience. With C1 level of English and international orientation.


  • Internationalism: Our graduates are experts in international business, capable of executing effective business decision-making in diverse contexts. This is reinforced by the international internships undertaken by each of our students during the program.
  • Business Integration: Our graduates apply advanced management and leadership skills developed through systematic experience and engagement with the corporate world.
  • Responsible: Our graduates champion a holistic view of responsible business decision-making, leadership and citizenship, informed by ethical reasoning, personal integrity and respect for social diversity.
  • Reflective Critical Thinking: Our graduates are confident, agile and reflective decision makers and problem solvers, able to formulate and implement innovative solutions to complex business challenges.
  • Comprehensive Leadership: Our graduates are fully aware of their personal responsibility and accountability and of the ethical and cultural frameworks in which leadership is exercised.

Study Plan

The Master's in International Management lasts 14 months. Since it is a master's program offered in agreement between the Universidad de los Andes and CEMS, its curricular structure is organized in III periods through which various institutions participate and coordinate.

In period I, 4 mandatory courses (10), business electives (6), cultural elective (2), language elective (3) are taught. For a total of 21 credits.

In period II, 4 mandatory courses (14), business elective (2), cultural elective (2) are taught. For a total of 18 credits. 

In period III, a mandatory internship (1) outside the country of at least 8 weeks must be completed. 

The student completes period I or II at one of the universities in the agreement and another at the Universidad de los Andes. After the first two periods, the international internship must be completed.

Areas of Emphasis

The Master's in International Management does not have areas of emphasis; however, students can choose a partner university depending on their personal interests (economics, sustainability, finance, etc.) to be able to study the elective subjects.

Program Model




Alumni Profile

El egresado tiene una mentalidad internacional y la capacidad de adaptarse a contextos culturales complejos. Esta es la primera competencia que permite a los egresados operar en representación de una organización en un contexto internacional. Aún más, las habilidades blandas altamente desarrolladas y la habilidad de comunicarse en varios idiomas facilitan la interacción con individuos dentro y fuera de organizaciones internacionales. La Facultad busca educar a los egresados como pensadores críticos y estratégicos, que toman los roles de liderazgo de manera autónoma y responsable. En conjunto con un espírito proactivo y emprendedor, estos egresados se esforzarán por convertirse en agentes de cambio positivo para las organizaciones y la sociedad.

Contact Information

Program email:
Telephone and Extension: (57-1) 3394949/99 Ext: 2806
Location: Calle 21 No. 1-20 Floor 9