Master in Regeneration and Sustainable Development


Qualification Master in Regeneration and Sustainable Development
Qualified registration Resolution No. 5119 of March 25, 2021 - Validity 7 years
Level Master's degree
Duration 2 years
Numberofcredits 36
Modality Virtual
SNIEScode 109974

EQUIS* (European Quality Improvement System) - Reaccreditation until June 2023 (reaccreditation process in force for 5 more years)
*We have had this accreditation since 2003

AACSB* (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) - Reaccreditation in 2021 for 5 years
*We have had this accreditation since 2010

* These accreditations are considered the most important credentials and academic recognition at an international level, which places the Faculty on a par with the most prestigious business schools in the world.  


Before the COVID-19 pandemic, companies were already facing challenges that required profound transformations. Today, the acceleration of climate change, the disaster in biodiversity issues, poverty and inequality require a more radical intervention, especially in Latin America, where there is a significant lag in these matters. Therefore, it is essential to accelerate and strengthen the intervention of the corporate sector, as well as the systematic adoption of environmental and social practices that also aim to regenerate the planet. We are facing an emergency situation that demands profound, collective and individual changes in production and consumption systems. The world demands the training of resilient managers and executives who are more aware than ever of their responsibility. The time has come to promote a change of mentality in management and administration to lay the foundations for a systemic transformation. This transformation requires the training of professionals who accelerate the migration of businesses towards sustainable, equitable and pro-nature models.


Structure and advantages

8 modules and elective courses in three related areas to provide concentrations in specific fields of knowledge / two years of study.

Real-world applied projects so that participants can immediately apply theories, methodologies and tools, promoting critical decision-making in the face of the challenges posed by reality. 



The   online modality   offers great flexibility. With clear dates and instructions, and all the resources the student needs to complete their activities, aligning them with the activities of your own agenda.



Applicant Profile

The program is aimed at Latin American professionals from multiple disciplines interested in working for sustainability, regeneration and sustainable development from different public, private, social and community institutions and organizations. A minimum of two years of general work experience must be demonstrated in order to enter the program.



  • It aims at updating and growing managers and executives who seek to broaden their business vision in post-pandemic times.
  • It offers a curriculum with key subjects for the reinvention and transformation of organizations. 
  • Provides knowledge and tools for participants to contribute to regenerative and sustainable development in Latin America.
  • Promotes a change of mentality in management and administration to lay the foundations for a systemic transformation.
  • It seeks to improve the performance of professionals who understand the urgency and are able to accelerate the migration of businesses towards more sustainable, equitable and nature-friendly models, in the public and private sectors.

Study Plan

The program consists of 36 credits and is designed to be completed over a two-year period, during which the student may choose a concentration during the second year. The general curriculum consists of eight (8) mandatory foundation courses that will facilitate preparation to take one of the three challenge-based concentrations that are developed during the second year of the program. The concentrations seek to provide students with the training to achieve transformative actions that contribute to the solution of the most urgent and relevant problems of sustainable development for Latin America: poverty and inequality, climate change and loss of biodiversity. 

The eight compulsory courses to be taken during the first year are worth three credits each. Each course will be taken in a seven-week cycle. The courses are taken independently, so at no time will a student be taking more than one course in parallel, but only consecutively.

Year 1. Mandatory foundation courses:

The program will include eight mandatory foundation courses, which are described below:

Year 1

  1. Course: Strategy and Sustainability (3 credits)
  2. Course: Understanding and Influencing Behavior for Sustainability and Regeneration (3 credits)
  3. Course: Sustainability and regeneration finance (3 credits)
  4. Course: Socio-ecological Systems and Management (3 credits)
  5. Course: Models and Data Analysis (3 credits)
  6. Course: Governance of Sustainability and Sustainable Development (3 credits)

Year 2

During the second year, students must take two more required courses before moving on to the elective component of the program. The second-year foundation courses are:

  1. Course in Technology-Based Entrepreneurship for Sustainability and Regeneration (3 credits)
  2. Course Effects of Organizational Decisions on Sustainability and Regeneration (3 credits)


Concentrations – Elective Component of the Program

Once the core courses have been completed, students may choose one of the following three concentrations in which they will take two theoretical-practical courses of three credits each, according to the chosen concentration, and six credits of field work.

  1. Concentration Transitions to Prosperous, Equitable and Sustainable Societies: activate solutions that contribute to reducing poverty, reducing inequality and redistributing wealth. Courses :
    1. Poverty and Climate Justice
    2. Innovative Business Models
    3. Six credits of fieldwork.
  2. Concentration in Energy and Technology Transitions for Sustainability and Regeneration. Courses :
    1. Industrial Ecology
    2. Energy and Renewable Energies
    3. Six credits of fieldwork.
  3. Concentration in Land Use Transitions for Sustainability and Regeneration. Courses :
    1. Approaches to conservation.
    2. Agri-Food Systems
    3. Six credits of fieldwork.

Areas of Research or Concentration

Once the core courses of the program have been reviewed, the student may choose one of the following three concentration options. Each concentration involves 2 theoretical-practical courses and a fieldwork that is divided into Fieldwork 1 and Fieldwork 2:

Concentration 1, Transitions to Overcome Poverty and Achieve Equity with Sustainability The general objective of the concentration is to activate nature-based solutions that contribute to reducing poverty, reducing inequality and redistributing wealth.  

Concentration 2, Energy and Technology Transitions for Sustainability and Regeneration The objective of this concentration is to develop the graduate's capacity to lead energy and technology transitions in the region and in its most local contexts.  

Concentration 3 Land Use Transitions for Sustainability and Regeneration The general objective of the concentration is to develop the graduate's capacity to lead land use transitions in the Latin American context.  

Model Program

First Semester (August - December)

MGPD-4402Ecosistemas y Desarrollo


MGPD-4403Gerencia Estratégica Para El Desarrollo


MGPD-4404Desarrollo: Escuelas. Dimensiones e Indicadores


MGPD-4405Fundamentos de Contabilidad


MGPD-4406Global Classroom


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester (January - May)

Total Credit Hours:13

Alumni Profile

Graduates of the Master's Degree in Regeneration and Sustainable Development will have the ability to create changes in organizations and in social organization processes that contribute to solving the priorities of sustainable development and regeneration in Latin America. Graduates will be able to mobilize collective actions in favor of sustainability and regeneration; they will be able to lead change in organizations to put sustainability at the heart of business; they will influence public policy processes in favor of sustainability and regeneration; they will have the ability to develop business ideas that positively affect global problems related to climate change, biodiversity conservation, as well as problems of poverty and inequality; and they will manage transitions for sustainability and regeneration.


Contact Information

Contact Center
Phone (57-1) 3324144
WhatsApp Chat +57 313 8265279 

Address: Cra. 1 No. 19 - 27
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm continuous hours

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