Master of Research in Administration

Qualification Master in Research in Administration
Qualified registration Resolution No. 13052 of August 13, 2014 - Validity 7 years
Level Postgraduate
Duration 3 semesters
Numberofcredits 40
Working day Daytime, exclusive dedication and full time
Modality In person - Bogotá
SNIEScode 103606
International Accreditation 2015: fifth EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) re-accreditation; 2015: Second AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) re-accreditation


The Master's degree in Administration Research is a scientific master's degree that seeks to enhance analytical and critical skills for decision-making in organizations. In this way, it differentiates the profile of graduates who come from different disciplines in social sciences and engineering (e.g. industrial engineering, economics, political science, psychology, administration), specializing them compared to their peers in the labor market, and qualifying them for the business consulting market.

The master's degree offers flexibility in its electives, such as the possibility of having a concentration in the areas of Finance, Organizational Studies, or Management for Sustainability, for students who wish to specialize in a single area.

The focus of this master's degree is new in the Colombian context, with a design and curricular structure in line with the trends of scientific master's degrees in the leading Schools of Administration in North America and Europe.

Our graduates will be solid professionals in the use of instruments and concepts to direct studies and technical documents that organizations require in the implementation of their mission strategies. In addition, they will be able to work in the public and private sectors, in consulting firms, and in senior management teams in the real and financial sectors.


Link with the Doctorate in Administration program

Students with excellent academic performance who wish to further their training as researchers and publish their results in high-impact national and international scientific journals in both the theoretical and applied fields have the opportunity to continue with the Doctorate in Administration (approximately 3 additional years to the master's degree). In this case, students must take and pass the comprehensive exams and begin the development of their doctoral dissertation.

Applicants Profile

The Master of Research in Administration (MIA) is aimed at professionals from different disciplines who wish to deepen their research capabilities in the multidisciplinary field of administration. Applicants must demonstrate academic excellence, motivation to learn and to advance high-level research or consulting processes.


The objective of the Master's in Administration Research is to train students so that, upon graduation from the program, they are able to:

  • Contribute autonomously to the generation of localized and applied knowledge.
  • Structure, develop and evaluate projects within organizations.
  • Communicate your ideas effectively in academic and scientific contexts.

Study Plan

The Research Master's Degree in Management offers a solid training in research in the interdisciplinary field of Management. To this end, its curriculum is organized into three structural modules:

  • Training module in research methods: this module will work on the quantitative and qualitative research field from the entry of the disciplines that underpin the interdisciplinary field of administration. To this end, there will be courses that underpin quantitative research (multivariate analysis and econometrics) and qualitative research (grounded theory, discourse analysis, narratives, ethnographies, semi-structured interviews, etc.). In turn, there will be courses on the fundamentals of economics (industrial economics and game theory) and social sciences (fundamentals in behavioral sciences, fundamentals of administration and great thinkers) that are the disciplinary pillars of the interdisciplinary field of administration.


  • Concentration module (deepening) in an area of the field of administration : significant flexibility will be offered in terms of elective subjects in three constitutive fields of administration in which the Faculty has generated significant research capabilities: a) Organizational Studies, b) Finance, and c) Management for Sustainability. As the Faculty strengthens its research capabilities in other areas such as Markets and Decision Making and Logistics and Operations, these will be gradually incorporated into the master's degree.


  • Seminar and thesis defense : In the research seminar, students will have the opportunity to show their research progress and discuss the work of their colleagues. This will contribute to strengthening a climate of research excellence in the Faculty. In the thesis defense course, students must complete their degree work with the advice of their thesis director. At the end of this process, students are expected to present the publishable article they have developed.


The Faculty of Administration's professors follow lines of research for academic production and are organized into five research groups:


Organizational Studies

  • Organizations and their environment
  • Organizations and their individual and group processes
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Sustainability and organizational capabilities


History and Entrepreneurship

  • History of entrepreneurs, business families and entrepreneurship in Colombia, 1850-2015
  • Strategy, structure and performance of companies, economic groups and business “guilds” in Colombia in historical perspective, 1950-2015
  • Origins and formation of regional entrepreneurship in Colombia, 1850-1940
  • History of marketing in Colombia, 1950-2015
  • Entrepreneurship in transportation, communications and infrastructure in Colombia, 1850-2015
  • Observatory of research and teaching of business history in Latin America History of Entrepreneurs


Public Management

  • Higher education policies
  • Environmental management and sustainable development
  • Organizations, institutions and public policy
  • Entrepreneurship and family businesses
  • Business innovation in developing countries


Finance and Financial Economics

  • Finance and corporate governance
  • Financial contracts and regulation


Decisions and Markets

  • Marketing in Colombia
  • Marketing according to demographic characteristics in low-income sectors
  • Cognitive and emotional processes of the consumer
  • Service Management
  • Behavioral aspects of decision making
  • Sustainable markets

Program Model (Second Semester)

This model program applies to students who begin their studies in the second semester of the year.







Graduates of the Master of Research in Administration will acquire differentiating advantages: they will have the ability to formulate critical, pertinent and relevant questions about the management of organizations. This will allow them to contribute, autonomously, to the generation of localized and applied knowledge, assuming the ethical implications of their decisions. Graduates of the program will be able to structure, develop and evaluate projects within organizations and will communicate effectively with different audiences. These skills will allow graduates to carry out research processes in public, private and third sector organizations, where they will contribute to the knowledge of organizations .

Contact Information

Information lines: (571) 3324555 FAX: (571) 3324459

Calle 21 No 1-20, SD Building, 9th Floor
Bogotá, Colombia