LENG2108 English Intermediate 2

After successfully completing this course, students can speak, write, listen, and read with greater accuracy on an increasingly broad range of familiar topics. They can demonstrate this knowledge by writing brief biographies, detailed accounts of future plans, and personal letters giving complex opinions, as well as through brief presentations, participation in conversations, listening to audio broadcasts and understanding brief written and spoken texts.


Intermediate 2 is an integrated-skills course in the English for the Undergraduate Program in Languages and Culture (EPLC) and takes a holistic, integrated approach to the learning of English for General Purposes. Students will receive input and practice on reading, writing, listening, speaking, pronunciation and lexico-grammar. The majority of the course will be focused on general English instruction from the textbook Cambridge Empower B1+ and will be supplemented with academic English tasks and extensive reading.  

This student-centered course runs for 16 weeks, and it consists of four 1.5-hour synchronous classes and 1.5 hours of individual work per week besides homework.  The course is divided into three modules: module 1 is six weeks long and modules 2 and 3 are five weeks each. During class time, students are encouraged to participate in different activities that will help them improve their language abilities and critical thinking skills. Group work, cooperative work, and peer-assessment are also part of every synchronous class. 



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
