LENG3105 Content & Lang. Integrat. Lear

The Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) seminar has been designed to facilitate students’ understanding of content and language integration while learning a foreign/second/additional language. The course is content-driven, thus students have the possibility to select from a range of different “content” depending on what they want to learn while practising and using their English skills. The CLIL approach offers a variety of tools to empower students with reflection upon content, communication, cognition and cultural aspects of learning. For that reason, the 4Cs framework proposed by Coyle (2007) will be used to design lesson plans and activities. Students will have the opportunity to see how CLIL works at the same time they improve their language skills, particularly productive skills such as writing and speaking. CLIL has become an approach widely used around the world to promote intercultural understanding and students’ mobility. Learners in this seminar will be able to evidence how the integration of content and language is key in bilingual and multilingual settings. Finally, it is expected that participants become aware of the potential benefits that the explicit integration of content and language may bring to their own contexts.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
