LENG4998 Taller Lectura 2 Postgrado

English Reading Workshop 2 main objective pursues that the students learn basic reading strategies enabling her/him towards successful reading and writing processes in English, regardless of the area or the academic field the texts belong to. Similarly, critical awareness on how the English language works as a system and how it works as a form of expression in the written text is strongly encouraged.


After having taken this course and successfully passed the evaluations, the participant is able to cope with unknown vocabulary by using the context and other related strategies, such as word form and function, cognates, dictionary use, among others. In the same way, s/he can identify and accurately translate simple and complex noun pre-modification groups. This learner can identify reference words and complex chains of referential meanings with implicit, elliptical forms. In addition, s/he can identify and use different types of logical connection; for this reason, s/he can effectively infer appropriate connectors and transition words within ideas. English grammar —verb tenses, for example— is used as a means to understand ideas from a given text. Similarly, the learner can recognize the presuppositions the author uses in her/his text, opportunities for inferring ideas from the text, and the functional value of the ideas from a text. Learners can paraphrase what has been read and, eventually, elaborate an appropriate summary of the text.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
