CBCA1180 Art and Travel

This course proposes a visual and conceptual tour to understand the cultural relevance that travelling has had both in European and American art history and the way that voyages have been traditionally represented in Western culture. The course is divided into four parts with different case studies that deal with the relationship between art and travel:

  • Module 1: Works of art that travel
  • Module 2: Materials and techniques that travel
  • Module 3: Ideas, images and concepts that travel
  • Module 4: Traveling artists

Examples of the subjects proposed for each two-week module are: art related to the pilgrimage in the Middle Ages; printmaking and its relationship to travel during the Renaissance; the importance of the artist’s skethbook in travelling; the Quimbaya Treasure as an official gift that travelled from Colombia to Spain; Paul Gauguin and Tahiti and the artistic contents of the Westmoreland ship.  The course focuses on examples of historical and cultural events that created a modern notion of travelling by showing that the relationship between art and travel is dynamic and in constant change.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
