LENG1159 English 09a Writing 2 - for Science and Engineering

English 9A is the third skills-focused course of the Intermediate-Advanced Cycle in the Academic Purposes Support Program (AESP). The course allows students to engage with, analyze and produce different texts commonly found in academic writing, namely definitions, problem/solution, summaries and paraphrasing, process analysis and data commentary. The writing process will be approached first through the concept of genre analysis so students can better understand the global features and rhetorical conventions within their fields of writing. Then students will focus on the organization, clarity, cohesion, linguistic aspects, and presentation of their ideas. The aim of this course is to equip students with writing and language learning skills and resources which can be directly applied to their field and aid them in their future English writing.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
