LENG1162 English 10b: Speaking and Writing for Professional Purposes

English 10B, Speaking and Writing for Professional Purposes, is the fourth and final skills focused course of the Intermediate-Advanced Cycle in the Academic Purposes Support Program (AESP). This course allows students to develop their speaking and writing skills, and language systems related to their university and future professional goals. English 10B focuses on a variety of different spoken and written genres commonly found in a professional context outside the language classroom so that students are better prepared to enter the world of work following graduation.

This course develops students’ speaking and communication skills when performing planned spoken tasks that involve both speaking in public (storytelling in front of an audience) and during a job/internship interview. Special emphasis is placed on communicative strategies, the planning and preparation process, developing confidence and fluency, establishing connection with the audience, as well as the importance of organization and concision with respect to expressing ideas.

There is also a strong emphasis on developing students’ writing skills in a variety of professional written genres. Students will be able to engage with, analyze and produce different written texts in English that are commonly required of students about to embark on a professional career.

Specifically, this course will help students to develop the ability to write an effective LinkedIn profile, resume document and cover letter. Throughout the course, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are explicitly treated as key supporting elements that form a part of these real world writing and speaking tasks around which this course is organized.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
