PSIC4250 Psychology of Health and Behavioral Change

This seminar is for those interested in exploring health behaviors, their implications, the factors related to them, models for behavior change, the details in our context, and how behavior change interventions can be and have been applied to Colombia and Latin America. We will discuss health behaviors and their link to risks and health; look at current levels of health behaviors, mortality rates, and non-communicable diseases in different areas of the world; and discuss the guidelines and recommendations for health behavior. We will discuss factors related to health behaviors and how these interact in various parts of the world. We will discuss different models of behavior change and explore how brands, businesses, governments, and other individuals and organizations have employed them. We will discuss and design health behavior change interventions for different contexts, including at local, national, and international levels.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
