ARQT3217 Proyecto Unidad Profundización Housing in Colombia

Housing in Colombia Unit

The Housing in Colombia course intends to explore the architectural possibilities for assessing the way in which intermediate cities are facing pressure for urban development in most of the
country, and the advantages or obstacles that collective housing projects may have in supporting this growth. The course will focus on the urban regeneration of central urban areas in
Fusagasugá, a municipality not far from Bogota that exemplifies many of the typical urban conditions of other intermediate cities in Colombia. Hoping to strengthen critical thinking and innovative design skills, both Colombian and international exchange students will interact, within a framework of mutual collaboration and comparative perspectives on collective housing issues.

Note on the language: The language of instruction in this course will be English and it welcome all local or international students with intermediate and advanced English communication skills interested in increasing their technical vocabulary in architecture and urban studies, broadening their knowledge on Colombian approaches to social housing and preparing future experiences abroad.No English exams or certificates are required, as far as you can explain your ideas.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
